
Showing posts from July, 2011

Volvo Technologies To Extend Range Of Automobiles By 1000 KM

In present era, battery technology seems to be advancing but it appears that Volvo is trying to take a lead in it. What appears to be the three concepts by Volvo, the auto major is trying to improve the range of its vehicles by nothing less than 1000 Km. For achieving this the company is taking the help of its batteries along with combustion engine there by making its C30 model more advanced. The project is developed with the support from Swedish Energy agency and the European Union . The electric vehicles will add a whole new technology for extending the range, thereby turning C30 into a hybrid. However out of the three ideas proposed to achieve 1000 Km extension, the automaker is yet to take a final decision. The models to be tested for choosing the best possible was of range extension along with the concepts are Volvo C30 with a series range extender , Volvo C30 with parallel range extender and a Volvo V60 with parallel range extender . CONCEPT I: C30 WITH SERIES RANG